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Error: Do not display photos when category has not been crea

Добавлено: 16 июн 2013, 23:37
M. N.

The top three photos were assigned to two categories. The first category does not exist yet, so I had "suitable gallery is absent, please create new one" selected. Gallery name stands for moderator information. The second category is modeling. The images were unlocked, but are nowhere to be found on the website. When I click on an image only comes the message: "There is no photo with this ID.
Perhaps it has never existed here.
If you are sure that something was still placed here, this means that an administrator has deleted it for some reason. "-> Http://transphoto.ru/photo/0/

regards Martin

Re: Error: Do not display photos when category has not been

Добавлено: 17 июн 2013, 11:53
Александр Конов
Fixed. Thank you.

Re: Error: Do not display photos when category has not been

Добавлено: 23 июн 2013, 15:07
Похожее так же замечено при загрузки фотографий в Стокгольмскую галерию.

Re: Error: Do not display photos when category has not been

Добавлено: 23 июн 2013, 16:16
Александр Конов