Найден 61 результат

12 мар 2024, 23:56
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Добавление модели в БД
Ответы: 510
Просмотры: 218960

Re: Добавление модели в БД

Прошу переименовать модель трамваев Bombardier 500 (https://transphoto.org/model/7497/) в TW500. Именно оно фигурирует в статьях СМИ (в т. ч. на оф. сайте Винер Локалбанен https://www.wlb.at/neue-badner-bahn-tw500-innendesign). Там не факт, что сама модель так называется. Передал информацию, посмот...
08 фев 2024, 00:10
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Seattle Monorail
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 2987

Re: Seattle Monorail

OK, done. Thank you for this information.
30 июл 2023, 12:43
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Локализация/Localization
Ответы: 196
Просмотры: 115946

Re: Локализация/Localization

Thanks again, is corrected. I made also some other small corrections. Take not that French is not my native language. If you find other issues, feel free to contact me (via PM). I asked this also to some French users but I didn't receive any complaint or comment... I'm pretty sure some small errors ...
23 июл 2023, 22:56
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Ошибка в БД: дизель-электрические гибриды в базе Тронхейма
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 1965

Re: Ошибка в БД: дизель-электрические гибриды в базе Тронхейма

You are right. I checked it, these are hybrid buses and not electric vehicles. They will be removed from the database here. Thanks for the comment.
28 июн 2023, 22:22
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Локализация/Localization
Ответы: 196
Просмотры: 115946

Re: Локализация/Localization

Насколько я знаю, во французском языке названия месяцев пишутся с маленькой буквы. Просьба во франкоязычной версии исправить это упущение. Сейчас, когда открываешь фото и хронологию новостей, даты показываются в виде "6 Juillet 2022", а должно быть "6 juillet 2022". As far as I know, in French, nam...
02 май 2023, 23:21
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Добавление города в базу
Ответы: 272
Просмотры: 114287

Re: Добавление города в базу

Thanks for the information, Uelzen is added.
Make next time a ticket, the forum is not always read by the editors.
30 апр 2023, 22:30
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Consensus on 3rd level counties and cities in China
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 2424

Re: Consensus on 3rd level counties and cities in China

These problems are really not just in China. There are still numerous "areas" where a solution was found. Examples: Paris, San Francisco, the Coastal line, Silezia, Rhein/Neckar... About Paris (where I'm local editor): some years ago, it was easy: we took only the RATP (which operates in Paris) in t...
08 фев 2023, 16:38
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Вакансии редакторов
Ответы: 136
Просмотры: 85516

Re: Вакансии редакторов

While I won't or can't make the final decision on this, I wonder if you understand exactly how the database works and, more importantly, how the exploitation is organised. I had to reject a number of tickets from you because you conveniently assumed that each depot has its own material. This may be ...
15 янв 2023, 19:36
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Подвижной состав
Ответы: 62
Просмотры: 24511

Re: Подвижной состав

Under your username, you can find the option "edit the database". You can then enter the necessary vehicle(s) and the local editor will accept or reject this. In the case that an entry will be rejected, the local editor needs to explain why. Everyone can add missing vehicles in the database, current...
14 янв 2023, 19:19
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Подвижной состав
Ответы: 62
Просмотры: 24511

Re: Подвижной состав

TransportnyKirill пишет:
13 янв 2023, 23:52
TransportnyKirill пишет:
13 янв 2023, 20:20
В Ницце ещё есть два трамвая Alstom Citadis 405 с номерами 061 и 062.
Я их сам лично видел.
Может, вы добавите их в профиль города, пожалуйста?
Added. Use next time the application please. Local and General editors don't look always to the forum.
07 янв 2023, 02:11
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Additional Tramway-Models needed
Ответы: 36
Просмотры: 14607

Re: Additional Tramway-Models needed

Hello Christian, https://transphoto.org/models.php?t=1 You can find the Vario trams under the factory Aliance TW Team. You ask here to edit a model. This is only possible if we're 100 % sure that this model (Vario LF.E+) never existed. Otherwise we can add a new type but here again, we must be sure ...
28 дек 2022, 23:43
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Старые лондонские трамваи
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 1990

Re: Старые лондонские трамваи

This is very interesting. As local editor (for Belgium, France and the UK), my absolute priority is to keep the current fleet up to date. Needless to say, this covers a lot of cities. As for London, I have interesting lists as far as the underground is concerned. They involve thousands of vehicles a...
09 окт 2022, 16:32
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Локализация/Localization
Ответы: 196
Просмотры: 115946

Re: Локализация/Localization

Hello Anton, The colleague in charge of the Polish translation of the site has not been here for several months. https://transphoto.org/author/9639/ One must already be fluent in Polish to translate the cities correctly. I can only suggest that, if interested, you contact the administrator personall...
06 май 2022, 22:43
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Taipei MRT trains and collaborative models
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 2902

Re: Taipei MRT trains and collaborative models

https://transphoto.org/photo/1225346/ https://transphoto.org/photo/1135494/ The Sirio model is the best example: it was built (due to circumstances) by 3 different manufacturers. So the same principle can be used for the metro trains. A collaboration between 2 or more factories is always possible an...
26 апр 2022, 22:02
Форум: База подвижного состава
Тема: Новая строка в списке текущего состояния ТС
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 6460

Re: Новая строка в списке текущего состояния ТС

For me not necessary. I see too many cars that were marked in yellow but are running normally, just because later they forgot to put it in white again. Even for the yellow color every local editor uses is own rules. For some local editors, maintenance is also a reason to put a tram in yellow. I unde...
18 ноя 2021, 22:57
Форум: Общие вопросы
Тема: Глюки СТТС
Ответы: 3518
Просмотры: 1092533

Re: Глюки СТТС

Since the introduction of the new (grey) status, things have been going wrong. https://transphoto.org/vehicle/541417/#n716883 Instead of 'tranfer within the city' (which is the intention here) it says 'model changed', although nothing about the model has changed. This glitch has also just come throu...
29 сен 2021, 16:13
Форум: Общие вопросы
Тема: Глюки СТТС
Ответы: 3518
Просмотры: 1092533

Re: Глюки СТТС

The same problem exists when you want (by example) search a city on the mane page on a desktop. Also, selecting pre-entered parameters (tram types when editing data, street names when posting photos) is difficult: it seems that the system is running in circles, which is not the case. This is also wi...
23 сен 2021, 23:23
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: South Korea Metro Database
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 10928

Re: South Korea Metro Database

I used for Brussels this system (example): https://transphoto.org/vehicle/508241/ AND https://transphoto.org/vehicle/508240/ In this case, it's acceptable: these are 2 (long) trains, 605x and 606x which are made with different cars. When a user will search 6151 https://transphoto.org/photo/1233977/?...
05 июл 2021, 20:59
Форум: Общие вопросы
Тема: Предложения
Ответы: 2017
Просмотры: 685395

Re: Предложения

A similar situation exists in Köln and Bonn. Lines 16 and 18, which run between the two cities (each of which has its own tram network and vehicle fleet), are operated jointly. As a result, trams from Köln can be seen in Bonn, and vice versa. So this is exactly the same situation as in Saratov and E...
04 июл 2021, 23:27
Форум: Общие вопросы
Тема: Предложения
Ответы: 2017
Просмотры: 685395

Re: Предложения

Binding to 2 cities is not a problem when using a gallery. Example:
15 июн 2021, 23:01
Форум: Фотографии
Тема: Временная и условная публикация
Ответы: 171
Просмотры: 55747

Re: Временная и условная публикация

You linked the photo to the 455 and the photo shows the 412. That's the reason.
02 июн 2021, 00:05
Форум: International users of TransPhoto
Тема: Database modification problems
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 5269

Re: Database modification problems

I have tried it, now it works.
16 апр 2021, 22:22
Форум: Общие вопросы
Тема: Глюки СТТС
Ответы: 3518
Просмотры: 1092533

Re: Глюки СТТС

The flags are present, but nothing happen when you click on it in the desktop version. It works normaly in the mobile version. Flag links has been activated. If you click on the flag (link) on a mobile version, you see: https://i.postimg.cc/QB12hLxd/2021-04-16-211738.jpg If you click on the PC / De...